Intermediate and advanced programs
These are essentially custom guided climbing days incorporating instruction necessary to help you achieve your particular objectives such as improving your climbing technique, setting out into multi-pitch terrain, or any others you want to explore. HighXposure’s highly experienced AMGA trained guide staff can work with you to provide as much relevant instruction as you want. Our guides can design your day to include anything from a day of highly technical instruction to a day out experiencing some of the best routes the Gunks has to offer.
Your guide can accommodate you or your group up to 4 climbers total. You are booking a private day of climbing / instruction and will not be placed into a larger group. Your day and your instruction will be customized to you and your group's abilities and knowledge.
All our courses are designed to be completable in one full day. In most cases, this is the norm however with higher level courses, if your guide feels you have not mastered the material by the end of the day he will suggest additional training. If this occurs it is because you are not yet able to execute critical procedures and show proficiency with critical skills. Larger groups can be challenging particularly for the Top-rope Anchor, Learn to Lead, and Self-Rescue for Climbers courses, which all have lengthy skill demonstration components.
No technical equipment is required. HighXposure supplies whatever is necessary. Feel free to bring your personal gear. We will fill-in as needed.